how to code with an android tablette

how to code with an android tablette

I’m fortunate to be on holiday now. For me, holidays are about staying active, spending quality time with my family, and also taking the opportunity to think about new projects. One of my goals during this break is to explore how to code using a tablet. Goal The objective of this article is to use my tablet to code a simple Python script and a Node.js app. The ultimate goal is to be able to go on vacation with just…

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Succed in a migrating from svn to git in a production environment

Succed in a migrating from svn to git in a production environment

Today, I will present my retrospective on the migration from SVN to Git. This type of migration is very important, especially if you have a lot of history that you want to keep. In my case, I have more than ten years of history that we want to preserve. I divided this migration into three steps: Preparation of the migration: Of course, you will say that preparation is an important step. You need to warn every SVN user about the…

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My markdown productivity template

My markdown productivity template

Today, I will share with you my way of working. This article is not a guideline; it will simply explain how I work today and why I work this way. I’m aware that I need to improve this method, so please don’t hesitate to comment and suggest ways to improve my markdown productivity template. for those how don’t want to read a lot the shortcut : Template. Contexte With the pandemic and the rise of remote work, I have started…

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Year 2023 start at full speed

Year 2023 start at full speed

Hello, It’s a long time since i didn’t post in this blog. Sorry for that but the year is very challenging for me and i have a lot of work. But today i find a little time to write. This post will be on travel because last month i had the chance to travel for my work. It’s a chance because for me developers are not use to travel specialy with the covid crise where everyone work from home now….

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My 2022 Retrospective

My 2022 Retrospective

Hi all, This is the time of the year to look back and take stock of the year. My 2022 plan My official 2022 plan was to start my blog and publish on it regularly. My unofficial plan was to publish one article per month. One other objectif was to start learning Javascript and realy start learning a new langage. Here my first post of the year 2022 Achivement One positive thinks about this year is i force myself to…

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Pipe linux

Pipe linux

Introduction For this mounth the article will be more technique than usual . I try to explain you an linux concept that for me is under exploited in our linux application. So i write this post to hilight this concept that i will use in a work project. this concept is the pipe linux The pipe concept If you are a linux user you have certainly cross the path of the pipe command |. But did you know that there…

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Writing technical documentation

Writing technical documentation

In this post I will share with you what type of tools I am using to quickly and easily write technical documentation. Introduction In our job we always have to write and share documentation. I had a lot of thoughts on this subject, and I finally found a good solution for me last year. I based all my work on markdown files. Markdown language Markdown is a plain text formatting system created in 2004 by John Gruber and Aaron Swartz….

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Feedback after using Scrum agile method

Feedback after using Scrum agile method

In this article, I will share with you my feedback on the scrum methodology. This is not a guideline or critic of this method, but just my feedback. Context I start discovering the scrum methodology in 2012 with a professional training to be scrum master. At that time, I was very curious to discover new ways of managing software project. Discovering the scrum methodology was very helpful in my day to day professional life. At that time, I was very…

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Certificat SSL

Certificat SSL

Introduction Pour ce post je vais vous partager ce qui s’est produit assez récemment sur une de nos applications web dont nous avons la charge. Contexte J’etais en charge d’une application web permettant à des systèmes de mesure de remonter des données de monitoring. par exemple un statut d’état de fonctionnement du système. Cette connexion devant être sécurisée elle passe par une connection HTTPS.Cela signifie que le serveur web doit avoir ce que l’on appelle un certificat SSL.Qu’est ce qu’un…

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Linux tips

Linux tips

I Use a lot linux in my job so i will post here all the command i use a lot or discoverd during my daily use. Search in history In my day i usuly use the same command again and again exemple i regulary connect with ssh to the test server to check that everything is correct. I discovert that commad ctrl + R that can search for you in your history Replay a command This arrive everyday to me…

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