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Category: TIPS

Pipe linux

Pipe linux

Introduction For this mounth the article will be more technique than usual . I try to explain you an linux concept that for me is under exploited in our linux application. So i write this post to hilight this concept that i will use in a work project. this concept is the pipe linux The pipe concept If you are a linux user you have certainly cross the path of the pipe command |. But did you know that there…

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Writing technical documentation

Writing technical documentation

In this post I will share with you what type of tools I am using to quickly and easily write technical documentation. Introduction In our job we always have to write and share documentation. I had a lot of thoughts on this subject, and I finally found a good solution for me last year. I based all my work on markdown files. Markdown language Markdown is a plain text formatting system created in 2004 by John Gruber and Aaron Swartz….

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Linux tips

Linux tips

I Use a lot linux in my job so i will post here all the command i use a lot or discoverd during my daily use. Search in history In my day i usuly use the same command again and again exemple i regulary connect with ssh to the test server to check that everything is correct. I discovert that commad ctrl + R that can search for you in your history Replay a command This arrive everyday to me…

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Docker Tips

Docker Tips

In this post i’ll liste my useage of docker. Docker postgres In a project i work with Sauvegarde une base de donnee docker exec -t your-db-container pg_dumpall -c -U postgres > dump_date +%d-%m-%Y »_ »%H_%M_%S.sql Update a postgres database with a script docker cp update_script.sql Idcontainer:/home/update_script.sql docker exec -it Idcontainer psql -U user database -a -f /home/update_script.sql