My 2022 Retrospective
Hi all,
This is the time of the year to look back and take stock of the year.
My 2022 plan
My official 2022 plan was to start my blog and publish on it regularly. My unofficial plan was to publish one article per month.
One other objectif was to start learning Javascript and realy start learning a new langage.
Here my first post of the year
2022 Achivement
One positive thinks about this year is i force myself to write thinks and that help me a lot in my work. I probably talk about the power of writing in an other article. I also have great avancement in my learning of JavaScript and tailwind with the creation of my first portfolio. I have some work before sharing this blog with you but work is going on prety well.
I also participate to my first Hacktoberfest wich i realy appreciate.
One non achivement is that i have not published one article by month on my blog. I probably under estimate the time for creating a good article.
In a global way i'm prety happy about the achivement of the year i would have like to do more but i start new habits and learne a lot of new thinks. Hop that next year will be has productive has this year and i need to continu improving my writing habit.
thanks for reading and happy end of the year to all