how to code with an android tablette
I’m fortunate to be on holiday now. For me, holidays are about staying active, spending quality time with my family, and also taking the opportunity to think about new projects. One of my goals during this break is to explore how to code using a tablet.
The objective of this article is to use my tablet to code a simple Python script and a Node.js app. The ultimate goal is to be able to go on vacation with just my tablet and, if I have time, do some coding, making my Android tablet the centerpiece of my setup.
Code in Your Browser
First, we can code directly in the browser.
There are many websites with online editors. For example, in Python:
Online Python Editor For C++: OnlineGDB C++ Compiler I use these from time to time at work when I need to quickly verify a concept without setting up a full environment.
For Node.js, you can use:
OneCompiler for Node.js This is an easy solution for coding on a tablet, but it requires a constant internet connection, which isn’t always available when traveling. Additionally, you might need to share your code on platforms you’re not entirely familiar with.
Add an enviroment directly on your tablette.
For that, I found an article that explains how to install a Linux environment on the tablet using Termux and Proot. I followed all the steps in this very helpful article and finally got my Visual Studio Code environment running on my tablet

so after that i try to run a very simple python code directly in visual studio code and that run like a charme.

So i can start coding in python directly form my tablette.
Test node js appliction
Now that I can do Python scripting, can I modify a complete Node.js project? I started by cloning my portfolio project to my Ubuntu distribution. While I can open and modify the source code using Visual Studio, I’m unable to build the project. I’m encountering several issues with npm, but I can’t determine why. As a result, I’ve been unable to run my portfolio on my tablet.
So, I can code using my tablet, and I can run small tests with the great solution of Termux. Don’t forget to include a keyboard in your setup—I use a small one, and it’s much better for coding. Now, you can even code on the beach!